My requirement is something like that,
On top of NSOutlineview there would be a search textfield and NSOutline view may contains the nested Groups,
if a item / row is matching with the search query, then it should be displayed, which its all parent node till root level,
the way i am doing is as follows,
1 -- Depending upon the what user has entered , re-building tne NSOutlineview datasource ( Nothing but an NSArray )
2 -- Have implemented all delegate method,
Now my problem is Group is not getting expanded automatically, I know i should call
but my questions is from where i should call this, i called it after reload data but it didn't work
i tried to call it something like this ,,,,
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn byItem:(id)item {
if(aTableColumn == nil){
[self log:@"aTableColumn is NIL "];
return nil;
if([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"firstColumn"] ){
if ( [myOutlineView shouldExpandIt:item]){
[myOutineView expandItem:item];
return item;
return item;
but its faulting perhaps going to recursive loop
Any other way to achieve the same.
Thanks to all of you to look into this,
By putting log, i found out to be , it seems to be [NSOutlineView reloadData ] seems to be blocking call,
so after that if i need to expand / collapse group , i am using
[pCTOutlineView expandItem:pValue];
and working so far....