Rails 4 with Postgres 9.2. 'pg' gem version 0.16.0.
Model attribute looks like this in schema.rb:
t.string "codes", array: true
I'm trying to store the following array of strings in this field:
["", "a string"]
In the database table, data for this field is stored as {"","a string"}
which is what I expect.
However, in Rails, retrieving this attribute via model.codes strips out the first element in the array and returns just:
["a string"]
a) What happened to the (intentionally-placed) empty string I had in the array?
b) If I replace the empty string, with a single space character, the retrieved attribute looks fine ([" ", "a string"]), but I'm hoping not to have to resort to that.
After much digging, I have something that should be useful for people searching for solutions to the same problem.
The Postgres adapter in Rails relies on an external gem pg_array_parser
for the heavy lifting of efficient array parsing, and defaults processing to it if this gem is available in a project.
The issue listed above does not recur when adding this gem to my bundle, and all data access/persistence behaves as expected without stripping out empty strings from the array.
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