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MIME and Processing Feedback Loop Messages

I'm trying to process Feedback Loop (FBL) messages to unsubscribe people that mark an email as spam (yes it's opt-in, and there is a one-click opt-out mechanism).

My first attempt is to use Advanced MIME Parser/Creator/Editor. However, FBL messages from major ISPs such as AOL and Yahoo are not correctly parsed. I posted that particular issue directly to the project's discussion forum.

My two-part question for the SO community:

  • Is there another MIME processing library for .NET that I'm missing?
  • Is there a good explanation of the MIME message format for non-SMTP experts out there? My Google searches turn up things that are either incomplete, or written assuming the reader is already very familiar with SMTP and email handling.


  • Advanced MIME Parser/Creator/Editor never worked correctly for me. A commercial library is not an option for this task.

    I ended up just properly decoding the MIME message (be sure to properly handle line breaks) and looking for relevant keywords. That worked fine for this particular problem.