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saving a polygon in oracle database

I have captured four points(coordinate) of a plot using a gps device.

Point 1:- lat- 27.54798833 long- 80.16397166
Point 2:- lat 27.547766, long- 80.16450166
point 3:- lat 27.548131, long- 80.164701
point 4:- ---

now I want to save these coordinate in oracle database which save it as an polygon.



  • If you're intending to use Oracle Spatial for storage or processing of polygons, then you'll need to store the data as an SDO_GEOMETRY object. Here's a quick example:

    CREATE TABLE my_polygons (
      id INTEGER
    , polygon sdo_geometry
    INSERT INTO my_polygons (
    , polygon
    VALUES (
    , sdo_geometry (
        2003 -- 2D Polygon
      , 4326 -- WGS84, the typical GPS coordinate system
      , NULL -- sdo_point_type, should be NULL if sdo_ordinate_array specified
      , sdo_elem_info_array(
          1    -- First ordinate position within ordinate array
        , 1003 -- Exterior polygon
        , 1    -- All polygon points are specified in the ordinate array
      , sdo_ordinate_array(
          80.16397166, 27.54798833,
        , 80.16450166, 27.547766,
        , 80.164701, 27.548131,
        , 80.16397166, 27.54798833

    There's far more information about the different flags on the object type here:

    Key things to note:

    1. What is your source coordinate system? You state GPS - is it WGS84 (Oracle SRID = 4326)? Your GPS device will tell you. You can look up the Oracle SRID for this in the table MDSYS.SDO_COORD_REF_SYS
    2. Make sure your coordinates complete a full polygon (i.e. loop back around to the starting point).
    3. Your coordinates for a polygon's external boundary should be ordered anticlockwise.
    4. You can call the method st_isvalid() on a geometry object to quickly test whether it is valid or not. You should ensure geometries are valid before presenting them to any other software.