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Building configuration DSL in Scala

I want to turn Typesafe configuration

root {
  mainA = "test"
  submodule {
    paramA = "value"
    paramB = "value"
  anotherModule {
    zoo = 1
    sub {
      z = test

into some sort of Scala configuration object like

object config {

  val cfg = ConfigFactory.load()

  val root = "root"

  lazy val mainA = cfg.getString("root.mainA")

  object submodule {
    lazy val paramA = cfg.getString("root.submodule.paramA","value")
    lazy val paramB = cfg.getString("root.submodule.paramB","value")

  object anotherModule {
    lazy val zoo = cfg.getInt("root.anotherModule.zoo",1)
    object sub {
      lazy val z = cfg.getString("root.anotherModule.sub.z","test")

So in general I will have some "template" configuration file, and generate "Generic" configuration object with some defaults.

in Haskell I would use Template Haskell in order to generate and compile the code, what can I do about that in Scala?


  • If you wish to have a convenient way to use config from the Scala code, you may try to use Dynamic ancestor to access config. Something like:

    class RichConfig(cfg:Config) extends Dynamic {
      private val `intClassTag` = implicitly[ClassTag[Int]]
      def selectDynamic[T](fieldName:String)(implicit ct:ClassTag[T]) = 
        ct match {
          case `intClassTag` =>

    Of course it doesn't give you runtime check for existence of the configuration items.