Suppose I have a function that is recursive through its closure:
def outer():
def fact(n):
return 1 if n == 0 else n * fact(n - 1)
return fact
I now want to serialize the function and reconstruct it using types.FunctionType
import pickle, marshal, copyreg, types
def make_cell(value):
return (lambda: value).__closure__[0]
def make_function(*args):
return types.FunctionType(*args)
lambda code: (marshal.loads, (marshal.dumps(code),)))
copyreg.pickle(type((lambda i=0: lambda: i)().__closure__[0]),
lambda cell: (make_cell, (cell.cell_contents,)))
lambda fn: (make_function, (fn.__code__, {}, fn.__name__, fn.__defaults__, fn.__closure__)))
buf = pickle.dumps(outer())
fn = pickle.loads(buf)
This works fine for ordinary closures, but with fact
it results in infinite recursion as pickle
attempts to serialise fact
within its closure. The usual way to handle recursive data structures in pickle
is to memoise the object between construction and initialisation, but function
objects are immutable, as are fn.__closure__
(a tuple), and cell objects:
>>> cell = (lambda i=0: lambda: i)().__closure__[0]
>>> cell.cell_contents = 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: attribute 'cell_contents' of 'cell' objects is not writable
Presumably the language has to do something similar when constructing recursive functions within normal code, as again the function object isn't available to place in its closure until it's been constructed. Is there some magic to building recursive functions that I'm missing?
A closure binds to a free variable, not it's value. For a self-referencing closure, all Python needs to do is create a closure for the free fact
name first (not yet bound to anything), create the function object with the closure, and then bind fact
to that object.
As such, you need to combine creating a closure and a function into the same outer function, such that you create a closure to the name the function is going to be bound to:
def create_closure_and_function(*args):
func = None
def create_function_closure():
return func
closure = create_function_closure.__closure__
func = types.FunctionType(*args[:-1] + [closure])
return func
To make this work with unpickling you'd have to loop over the closure argument (args[-1]
) and detect where there is a recursion, and replace that one item with create_function_closure.__closure__[0]
, I suppose.