I have been adding the sqlite3 as the persistent storage and it seems t work property, however I get: WARNING: Automatic dependency detection does not work with motion-support. Turn it off in your Rakefile:
app.detect_dependencies = false
I do this and the app no longer compiles, it gives the 'uninitialized constant MotionModel::SQLite3Adapter' error. Comment out the line and it works with the message.
My rake file is:
require 'motion/project/template/ios'
require 'rubygems'
#require 'motion/project'
require 'bundler'
$: << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
require 'motion_model'
require 'motion_model/sql'
require 'motion_model/fmdb'
Motion::Project::App.setup do |app|
app.name = 'VrWizard'
app.frameworks += [ "CoreText"]
app.detect_dependencies = false
app.vendor_project('vendor/MYCalendar', :static)
app.pods do
pod 'NanoStore', '~> 2.6.4'
And my my gem file contains:
gem 'motion_model', :git => 'https://github.com/sxross/MotionModel.git', :branch => 'sql'
I attempted to use the master MotionModel, however there is no sql in it.
I just don't want something to come up and bite me later. From what I read the flag was added while the auto dependency was experimental in 1.26. Is this a remanent warming that should be removed? If I need it, how do I solve the new error?
Don French
I'm the author of the SQL Adapter for MotionModel. You can safely ignore the warning with respect to MotionModel. Dependency detection is required for MotionModel, but the author of motion-support felt his gem was not.