I need help connecting Azure database using SymmetricDS 3.5.1. I can't seem to the configuration correct. I get an error saying "Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory" with the message either "socket closed" (when I don't specify ssl parameter) or "login timeout" (when I specify the ssl parameter). I have specified a timeout amount in the connection string, however, it does not seem to work and defaults to 30 seconds. Is there any documentation on how to connect to an Azure database using SymmetricDS? Anyway, take a look and tell me what I need to change in my engine.properties file? I have the following:
It turns out you have to use the Microsoft JDBC driver. I didn't see any documentation on how to set it up so for the sake of others this is what I did after reading http://www.symmetricds.org/docs/how-to/connect-to-database
Change the *.properties file to be the following connection information...