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Changing the "Upload failed" Message

I would like to change the "Upload failed" message to one returned from my server-side processing.

I can see the message I want in the onError callback but I'm not sure how to used that instead of the default message.

Thoughts, examples or further reading advice welcome (new here).


  • The implementation of what you're trying to do depends on whether you are using Fine Uploader Basic/Core or Regular/UI. This is because UI mode offers some extra goodies for displaying error messages and such.

    A few properties/options that may benefit you:

    Fine Uploader Basic/Core mode

    • text.defaultResponseError

      Message sent to the onError callback if no specific information about the error can be determined. This is used if the server indicates failure in the response but does not include an “error” property in the response and the error code is 200 (XHR only)

    var uploader = new qq.FineUploaderBasic({
        /* ... */
        text: {
            defaultResponseError: "Oh noes! Upload fail."

    The documentation on 'text'

    Fine Uploader Regular/UI mode

    • failedUploadTextDisplay.mode option

      Valid values are “default” (display the text defined in failUploadText next to each failed file), “none” (don’t display any text next to a failed file), and “custom” (display error response text from the server next to the failed file or Blob).

    • failedUploadTextDisplay.responseProperty option

      The property from the server response containing the error text to display next to the failed file or Blob. This is ignored unless mode is “custom”.

    var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
        /* ... */
        text: {
            defaultResponseError: "Oh noes! Upload fail."
        failedUploadTextDisplay: {
            mode: 'custom',              // Display error responses from the server.
            responseProperty: 'errorMsg' // Default is 'error', change this to match the 
                                         // property that contains the error message from 
                                         // your server

    The documentation on failedUploadTextDisplay