I've tried to install Frank-Cucumber using the documentation provided (http://blog.thepete.net/blog/2012/06/24/writing-your-first-frank-test/), however I receive a black screen on the simulator every time I try to do a frank launch
From the groups it seems like more people are having this problem and there is no real answer posted. Resetting the content and settings from the iOS simulator did not fix this problem for me.
Is this a known problem? Are cucumber tests no longer possible in the iOS 6+ simulators?
I'm running this on iOS 6, Xcode 4.6, OSX Mountain Lion.
Any ideas?
extra edit: The iOS simulator gives back the following error: The 'com.thunderkeybolt.2012olympics.frankified' bundle at (null) does not have an executable path. Please check the bundle's Info.plist file
when trying to run the default example from above (the app for the 2012 Olympics).
Frank output on sudo frank build
: https://gist.github.com/shto/67c99aa8d0d1ecc2ae7a
From the log it can be seen that the app is built by the beta of Xcode5.
This is a common problem when more than one Xcode version is installed. To fix it, there is a xcode-select
command to choose the correct Xcode version for command line tools.
sudo xcode-select --switch "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"