Any idea why the callback is not executing? panoServie
is initialized and everything. I put the NSLog messages there, and nothing happens.
- (CLLocationCoordinate2D) randomLatitudeLongitude
CountryBBVal auBB = [[GGData SharedInstance] boundingBoxForCountry:Australia];
//NSLog(@"BB: %f, %f, %f, %f", auBB.NELat, auBB.NELng, auBB.SWLat, auBB.SWLng);
double ranLongitude = [self randomDoubleBetween: auBB.NELng and: auBB.SWLng]; // Boundix Box
double ranLatitude = [self randomDoubleBetween: auBB.NELat and: auBB.SWLat];
CLLocationCoordinate2D ranLatLng = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(ranLatitude, ranLongitude);
//NSLog(@"ranLatLng: [%f] [%f]", ranLatitude, ranLongitude);
__block GMSPanorama *panPhoto = nil;
[self.panoService requestPanoramaNearCoordinate:ranLatLng callback:^(GMSPanorama *panorama, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"panorama: %@ error: %@", panorama, error);
panPhoto = panorama;
if (!panPhoto) return [self randomLatitudeLongitude];
return ranLatLng;
- requestPanoramaNearCoordinate:callback:
is asynchronous request. Its started and the code execution is not blocked. So the if (!panPhoto) return [self randomLatitudeLongitude];
is called immediately with panPhoto
most probably being still nil
, so the return
statement is performed.
Overall method idea does not seem right to me.
callback.return [self randomLatitudeLongitude]
itself in the method is also not a good idea. It can cause infinite recursion. There should be at least some max recursion calls threshold