The RoutedCommand in WPF has 3 overloaded constructors.
Consider the following:
public static RoutedCommand AddTextFieldCommand = new RoutedCommand();
public static RoutedCommand AddTextFieldCommand = new RoutedCommand("AddTextField", typeof(DesignerWindow));
What advantage does the second one have?
Does it make it easier to define in XAML ? MSDN doesn't really give much details about the second constructor.
From my experience, there's no real semantic difference between the two. For me, they both seem to function exactly the same. I won't say definitively that there isn't a difference, I just haven't noticed one.
However, what I have noticed is that at least using the constructor that allows you to add a name, and adding a useful name, can really help with debugging. At a break point where you're handling routed commands you can much more easily tell which command it is if all of your commands have names.
-- HTH, Dusty