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break does not seem to return to previous loop

I am programming a robot with C# and using a digitial compass for direction. Problem I am having is when it goes into its turn loop, it doesnt come back out of it. The DragonBoard is my controller I am talking too. How this is supposed to work is given set heading and time, it turns left or right till heading is matched then drives forward for a set amount of time. Problem I am having is it will go forward but when it goes into the turn loop, it stays there, and doesnt return to for loop. Any help would be appreciated.

private void drive(int heading, int time)//going to start from kit
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < time;i++ )
        DragonBoard.Write("w");//go forward

        while (int.Parse(bearingTxt.Text) - 1 > heading)
            DragonBoard.Write("a");//turn left

        while (int.Parse(bearingTxt.Text) +1 < heading)
            DragonBoard.Write("d");//turn right

    DragonBoard.Write(" ");

    if (listBox1.SelectedIndex < listBox1.Items.Count - 1)
        listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.SelectedIndex + 1;


  • It is because your break Exits the "While Loop" not the for loop...and im guessing your while loop only executes once? Why do you need while for that? Try this

     for (i = 0; i < time;i++ )
        DragonBoard.Write("w");//go forward
        if (int.Parse(bearingTxt.Text) - 1 > heading)
            DragonBoard.Write("a");//turn left
        else (int.Parse(bearingTxt.Text) +1 < heading)
            DragonBoard.Write("d");//turn right