I'm using Solr to search for a list of companies. when I try to filter
companies = []
current_user.cached_company.cached_companies.each do |company|
companies << company.id
Doesn't Work
companies = []
companies << current_user.cached_company.cached_companies.map(&:id)
When I call
@search = Company.search do
with :id, companies
@companies = @search
It works with the first example but not the second.
However, this works just fine
@search = Company.search do
with :id, current_user.cached_company.cached_companies.map(&:id)
@companies = @search
I know that I'm missing something simple here. I know it doesn't have to do with the caching, but cannot wrap my head around what's going on.
Your second example is putting a nested array in companies
. Here's a simplified idea of what's going on:
data = [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}]
foo = []
data.each do |number|
foo << number[:value]
p foo
# => [1,2,3] # One array with 3 values
foo = []
foo << data.map { |item| item[:value] }
p foo
# => [[1,2,3]] # One array with one value (another array with 3 values)
Either stick with your first version, or just do this:
companies = current_user.cached_company.cached_companies.map(&:id)
Or, if you want to stick with your 2nd version, make sure to flatten the values before you use them: