I've been working on my unit tests for iOS programming, and I've run into a little problem when trying to validate my main class by mocking it's child classes using OCMock and then seeing if the main class adds the child controllers (mockObjects[uiviewContoller]) and then verifying that an object calls a method on each of the child controllers.
The problem is I keep getting a "test failed 'adding a root view controller OCMockObject[UiViewController] as a child of view controller'"
every other time i run the test.
- (void)setUp
[super setUp];
testMain = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
- (void)tearDown
for (UIViewController *testCon in testMain.childViewControllers) {
[testCon removeFromParentViewController];
testMain = nil;
[super tearDown];
- (void) testDayNightTriggerTriggersAllSubviews{
id mockTopController = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[UIViewController class]];
id mockBottomController = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[UIViewController class]];
id mockMainScreen = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[UIViewController class]];
[[mockTopController expect] dayNightTrigger];
[[mockBottomController expect] dayNightTrigger];
[[mockMainScreen expect] dayNightTrigger];
[testMain dayNightTrigger:mockTopController bottom:mockBottomController main:mockMainScreen];
[mockBottomController verify];
[mockTopController verify];
[mockMainScreen verify];
Method to verify:
- (void) dayNightTrigger:(UIViewController *) top bottom:(UIViewController *)bottom main:(UIViewController *)main{
self.bottomMenu = bottom;
self.topMenu = top;
self.mainScreen = main;
[self dayNightTrigger];
- (void) dayNightTrigger{
[self.app dayNightTrigger];
[self.bottomMenu dayNightTrigger];
[self.topMenu dayNightTrigger];
[self.mainScreen dayNightTrigger];
I was wondering if there is anything wrong with my setup/teardown? or I'm doing something wrong with the OCMock framework, but really as to why I keep getting this error.
I've run into the same issue. I'm guessing that your properties bottomMenu, topMenu, and mainScreen set bottom, top, and main as child view controllers of the other view controller.
Unfortunately, addChildViewController: looks at some value in the UIViewController* structure. Since it's a direct memory access and not a method call, the OCMockObject can't intercept it. As a result, the mock object is (sometimes) treated as being a root view.
The way I found around it was to override addChildViewController: on the object I was testing in the test file and have it do nothing:
@implementation MyViewController (overwriteForTesting)
- (void)addChildViewController:(UIViewController *)childController {
This means that it won't add the view controller to its list of children though.