Three models linked via has_many :through
class Bozza < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :accessoryvolumes, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :accessories, through: :accessoryvolumes
belongs_to :lavorazione
class Accessory < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :accessoryvolumes
has_many :bozzas, through: :accessoryvolumes
class Accessoryvolume < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :accessory
belongs_to :bozza
In the view for bozza, the attributes for bozza are accessible
<% @bozza.accessoryvolumes.each do |accessoryvolume| %>
<%= accessoryvolume.numero %>
<%= accessoryvolume.bozza_id %>
<%= %>
<%= accessoryvolume.accessory_id %>
<%= %>
save for the last item. Any attribute for the relationship to accessory generates and
undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass
evan though accessory_id has a value. How is the related attribute in one instance being picked up and not the other?
The issue is with the plural handling of "accessory". it was a nasty suspicion for many hours....
This issue arises rather frequently. Pony up and come up with a name that cannot be interpreted mistakenly by rails or someone, somehow, somewhere. Avoid nouns that pluralize irregularly. Moreso when dealing with foreign languages.
class Accessorio < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :lavoraziones
has_many :accessoryvolumes
has_many :bozzas, through: :accessoryvolumes
<%= accessoryvolume.accessorio.nome %>
runs as expected