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QWebview - setBaseUrl doesn't work

I want to render html from a QString in QWebView using

QWebView::setHtml( QString, QUrl );

The images should be loaded from a temporary directory c:/temp. In html code the images are referred only by file-names, without path e.g.

<img src="myimage.png">

I provide this path as the baseUrl with the 2nd parameter of setHtml, but the images are not rendered. I've tried to refer the images with full path:

<img src="c:/temp/myimage.png">

and it works correctly - the image is displayed.

I've checked, whether the url is valid:

QUrl base = QUrl::fromUserInput("c:/temp");
    if (!base.isValid())
        return false;

and the URL is reported as valid. What am I doing wrong here?

I'm working on Windows, with Qt 4.8.4

Thanks for any hints!


  • Solved! A right click on missing image symbol in QWebView reviled, that the image had not the address c:/temp/myimage.png as I expected but c:/myimage.png. I've tried to set the baseUrl as c:/temp/. and now everything works!

    Looks like QWebView interpreted baseUrl as a html-file, relative to which the images are located. In my point of view it doesn't make sense for QWebView::setHtml where the source comes from a string, and there is actually no html-file, only base-directory.