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QuickCheck test randomly hangs

I'm new to Haskell. I'm playing with QuickCheck tests, trying to test a simple function calculateStrengthSingle (see the source of testee below)

# Fighter.hs
module Fighter
( Quantity(Quantity)
, Fighter(TeamPlayer, LoneWolf, Polymorph)
, Strength(Strength)
, calculateStrengthSingle)

import System.Random

data Strength = Strength Double

instance Eq Strength where
    Strength s1 == Strength s2 =
        s1 == s2

instance Ord Strength where
    Strength s1 < Strength s2 =
        s1 < s2

data Quantity = Quantity Int deriving (Show)

instance Random Quantity where
    randomR (Quantity lo, Quantity hi) g =
        let rand = randomR (lo, hi) g
            (r, g1) = rand
        in (Quantity r, g1)
    random g =
        let rand = random g
            (r, g1) = rand
        in (Quantity r, g1)

data Fighter = TeamPlayer
             | LoneWolf
             | Polymorph
    deriving (Show)

calculateStrengthSingle :: Quantity -> Fighter -> Strength
calculateStrengthSingle (Quantity number) TeamPlayer =
    Strength(log (fromIntegral number))
calculateStrengthSingle _ _ = Strength 0.0

The test looks like this

# TestFighter.hs
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QuickCheck
import Fighter

prop_StrengthPositive quantity fighter =
    Fighter.calculateStrengthSingle quantity fighter >= Strength 0.0

instance QuickCheck.Arbitrary Fighter.Fighter where
    arbitrary = QuickCheck.oneof([return Fighter.TeamPlayer, return Fighter.LoneWolf, return Fighter.Polymorph])

instance QuickCheck.Arbitrary Fighter.Quantity where
    arbitrary = QuickCheck.choose(Fighter.Quantity 1, Fighter.Quantity 10)

main :: IO()
main = do
    QuickCheck.quickCheck prop_StrengthPositive

When I do runhaskell TestFighter.hs there's output (1 test) (the number is changing, sometimes it's 0 other times it's 4) and CPU is 100% loaded. Nothing happens for a minute or so. When I interrupt the program by Ctrl+C, it spits out something like

^C*** Failed! Exception: 'user interrupt' (after 1 test):  
Quantity 2


  1. Where did I mess up?
  2. How can I debug cases of infinite calculation, like this one?


  • You haven't defined the Ord instance for Strength correctly. You need to define <= and not <.

    With only < defined the function <= enters into an infinite loop as it is defined in terms of compare and compare is defined in terms of <=. Minimal definition needs to define either compare or <=.

    Here is the fixed code for Ord instance

    instance Ord Strength where
        Strength s1 <= Strength s2 =
            s1 <= s2