I can already send something in the querystring:
<a href='Exibe.aspx?var='lalala''>
but I'd like to send a string instead of lalala, and when i try to concatenate normally in the response.write with "+" signs, it just doesn't. it creates the url only with the part before the "+".
Thank you
UPDATE: code that doesn't work:
responde.write("<a href='Exibe.aspx?nome='" + nome(0) + "''> click here </a>");
Code that works but doesn't do what I want (sends "VALUE" not my string)
responde.write("<a href='Exibe.aspx?nome='VALUE''> click here </a>");
I'm really new at this.. sorry
Are you looking for HttpUtility.UrlEncode or are you looking for something to build the Uri like UriBuilder ? Either way you should be able to google up some examples.