Since WebBrowser in C# shares cookies with all other instances of WebBrowsers including IE I would like for a WebBrowser to have it's own cookie container that doesn't share any cookies that was created previously in IE or other instances.
So for example when I create a WebBrowser it shouldn't have any cookies. And when I run 2 instances of WebBrowsers they have their own cookie container and don't share or conflict cookies with each other.
How can I achieve this ?
You could do this per process using the InternetSetOption
Win32 function:
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool InternetSetOption(int hInternet, int dwOption, IntPtr lpBuffer, int dwBufferLength);
and then at your application startup call the following function:
private unsafe void SuppressWininetBehavior()
* A general purpose option that is used to suppress behaviors on a process-wide basis.
* The lpBuffer parameter of the function must be a pointer to a DWORD containing the specific behavior to suppress.
* This option cannot be queried with InternetQueryOption.
* Suppresses the persistence of cookies, even if the server has specified them as persistent.
* Version: Requires Internet Explorer 8.0 or later.
int* optionPtr = &option;
bool success = InternetSetOption(0, 81/*INTERNET_OPTION_SUPPRESS_BEHAVIOR*/, new IntPtr(optionPtr), sizeof(int));
if (!success)
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong !>?");