I made file upload according to http://docs.typo3.org/flow/TYPO3FlowDocumentation/TheDefinitiveGuide/PartIII/ResourceManagement.html
I have this error: Invalid type encountered: '\TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource'
class Tx_PromConf_Controller_RegistrationController extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController {
* Imports a passport
* @param Tx_PromConf_Domain_Model_Passport $passport The new passport
* @return void
public function passportUploadAction(Tx_PromConf_Domain_Model_Passport $passport) {
class Tx_PromConf_Domain_Model_Passport extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity {
* @var string
protected $title;
* @var \TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource
protected $originalResource;
* @param string $title
* @return void
public function setTitle($title) {
$this->title = $title;
* @return string
public function getTitle() {
return $this->title;
* @param \TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource $originalResource
* @return void
public function setOriginalResource(\TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource $originalResource) {
$this->originalResource = $originalResource;
* @return \TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource
public function getOriginalResource() {
return $this->originalResource;
* __construct
* @return void
public function __construct() {
//Do not remove the next line: It would break the functionality
* Initializes all Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage properties.
* @return void
protected function initStorageObjects() {
<f:form action="passportUpload" controller="Registration" enctype="multipart/form-data"
object="{passport}" objectName="passport">
<br />
<f:translate key="tx_promconf_passport_upload.sentense" />
<br />
<div class="max-size">
<f:form.upload class="btn" name="originalResource" />
<br />
<br />
<div class="max-size">
<f:form.submit name="mySubmit" class="btn btn-l" value="<f:translate key='tx_promconf_passport_upload.ok' />" />
<input type="reset" class="btn btn-r" value="<f:translate key='tx_promconf_passport_upload.cancel' />" />
In case you are using TYPO3 CMS:
You will not find the class TYPO3\Flow\Resource\Resource
Therefore you are bound to Extbase classes. If you are using TYPO3 6.x, you might want to look either in the Extbase namespace or somewhere here: \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceInterface
But most probably, the easiest way is to look for another tutorial on file uploads with Extbase.
If you're developing a standalone FLOW application, I don't have a precise answer.