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Trac wiki and Visual Paradigm for UML

Any tips how to present documentation coming out of Visual Paradigm for UML on Trac wiki in most efficient way? Is there a way to embed the tables on wiki page?


  • There is actually in Trac no way of docs presentation coming out of VP.

    I use a workaround which is quite practical for me:

    1. make a screenshot of changed diagrams in VP and save them as .png files
    2. copy the image files to a path I defined an Apache webserver Location for in httpd.conf:

      <Location /doc> ... </Location>

      Alias /doc "//"

    3. then I just use image wiki links to that location in my wiki page, e.g. [[Image(//doc/UML/diagram1.png)]]

    This way, after changes to diagrams, I can replace the images on disk without touching the wiki, and the wiki shows the latest on page reload then.