I am new to the Neo4jClient as well as Neo4J so was not sure how to query for the data and get a master detail like data in the neo4j. Let me explain this with an example:
lets suppose I have a graph as below:
root -[:DEFINES] -> Shipment 1
-[:HAS_CONSIGNMENT]->Consignment 1
-[:HAS_ITEM]->Load Item 11
-[:HAS_ITEM]->Load Item 12
-[:HAS_CONSIGNEE]->Consignee 1
-[:HAS_CONSIGNMENT]->Consignment 2
-[:HAS_ITEM]->Load Item 21
-[:HAS_ITEM]->Load Item 22
-[:HAS_CONSIGNEE]->Consignee 2
now suppose I want to get all the graph t o populate my Domain Model like below
public class Shipment
public List<Consignment> Consignments {get; set;}
public class Consignment
public List<LoadItem> LoadItems {get; set;}
public Consignee ShippedTo {get; set;}
public class LoadItem
i know that I can probably build a Cypher query like below How to retrieve connected graph using neo4jclient
query = client.Cypher.Start(new { root = client.RootNode }).
Match("root-[:DEFINES]->load-[:HAS_CONSIGNMENT]->consignments -[:HAS_ITEM]->loadItem").Match("consignments-[:HAS_CONSIGNEE]->consignee").
Where((Load load) => load.Id == myId).
(load,consignments, loaditems)=>
new {
loadInfo = load.As<Node<Load>>(),
consignments = consignments.CollectAs<Consignment>(),
loadItems = loaditems.CollectAs<LoadItem>()
but I am not sure how this can be converted to represent the second level of list that gives me that Consignment 2 has Load Item 21 & 22 where as Consignment 1 has Item 11 & 12.
can some one please help me understand how this works as I primarily have been working in the EF and the graph query is really new to me.
Regards Kiran
Right, this is the way I've got this working (I'm pretty sure Tatham will come along with a better answer - so hold out for a bit)
public static ICollection<Shipment> Get()
var query = GraphClient.Cypher
.Start(new {root = GraphClient.RootNode})
string.Format("root-[:{0}]->shipment-[:{1}]-consignments-[:{2}]->loadItem", Defines.TypeKey, HasConsignment.TypeKey, HasItem.TypeKey),
string.Format("consignments-[:{0}]->consignee", HasConsignee.TypeKey)
.Return((shipment, consignments, loadItem, consignee) =>
Shipment = shipment.As<Node<Shipment>>(),
Consignment = consignments.As<Consignment>(),
LoadItem = loadItem.CollectAs<LoadItem>(),
Consignee = consignee.As<Consignee>(),
var results = query.Results.ToList();
var output = new List<Node<Shipment>>();
foreach (var result in results)
var shipmentOut = output.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Reference == result.Shipment.Reference);
if (shipmentOut == null)
shipmentOut = result.Shipment;
shipmentOut.Data.Consignments = new List<Consignment>();
result.Consignment.LoadItems = new List<LoadItem>();
result.Consignment.LoadItems.AddRange(result.LoadItem.Select(l => l.Data));
return output.Select(s => s.Data).ToList();
This will get you all the Shipments and Consignments etc.
However I note you do: .Where((Load load) => load.Id == myId)
which implies you know the shipment id.
As a consequence, we can simplify the code a little bit - as we don't need to use 'root', and we can pass in the Shipment ID.
public static Shipment Get2(NodeReference<Shipment> shipmentNodeReference)
var query = GraphClient.Cypher
.Start(new {shipment = shipmentNodeReference})
string.Format("shipment-[:{0}]-consignments-[:{1}]->loadItem", HasConsignment.TypeKey, HasItem.TypeKey),
string.Format("consignments-[:{0}]->consignee", HasConsignee.TypeKey)
.Return((shipment, consignments, loadItem, consignee) =>
new {
Shipment = shipment.As<Node<Shipment>>(),
Consignment = consignments.As<Consignment>(),
LoadItem = loadItem.CollectAs<LoadItem>(),
Consignee = consignee.As<Consignee>(),
var results = query.Results.ToList();
//Assuming there is only one Shipment returned for a given ID, we can just take the first Shipment.
Shipment shipmentOut = results.First().Shipment.Data;
shipmentOut.Consignments = new List<Consignment>();
foreach (var result in results)
result.Consignment.ShippedTo = result.Consignee;
result.Consignment.LoadItems = new List<LoadItem>();
result.Consignment.LoadItems.AddRange(result.LoadItem.Select(l => l.Data));
return shipmentOut;
For your info, the DataElements I was using were:
public class Shipment
public string Id { get; set; }
public List<Consignment> Consignments { get; set; }
public override string ToString() { return Id; }
public class Consignment
public string Id { get; set; }
public List<LoadItem> LoadItems { get; set; }
public Consignee ShippedTo { get; set; }
public override string ToString() { return Id; }
public class Consignee
public string Name { get; set; }
public override string ToString() { return Name; }
public class LoadItem
public string Item { get; set; }
public override string ToString() { return Item; }
With relationships all defined like:
public class HasConsignment : Relationship, IRelationshipAllowingSourceNode<Shipment>, IRelationshipAllowingTargetNode<Consignment>
public const string TypeKey = "HAS_CONSIGNMENT";
public HasConsignment() : base(-1) {}
public HasConsignment(NodeReference targetNode): base(targetNode) {}
public HasConsignment(NodeReference targetNode, object data) : base(targetNode, data) {}
public override string RelationshipTypeKey { get { return TypeKey; } }
(with obvious changes where needed)