I am using Spring batch plugin for Grails (spring-batch-1.0.RC2). So far is working properly but I want to split the flow to execute ... is that supported? This is the code I am trying to execute... but the result is Step1, Step2, Step3, Step 4.
beans {
xmlns batch:"http://www.springframework.org/schema/batch"
jobRepository = ref("jobRepository")
taskExecutor = bean(org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor)
taskExecutorParallel = bean(org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor)
batch.job(id: 'endOfDayJob') {
batch.step(id: 'logStart', next:'createContext') {
batch.tasklet(ref: 'printStartMessage')
batch.step(id: 'createContext', next:'split1') {
batch.tasklet(ref: 'context')
batch.split(id: 'split1',taskexecutor:'taskExecutorParallel', next:'logFinish' ) {
batch.step(id:'step1Id', next:'step2Id'){
batch.tasklet(ref: 'step1')
batch.step(id: 'step2Id') {
batch.tasklet(ref: 'step2')
batch.step(id:'step3Id', next:'step4Id'){
batch.tasklet(ref: 'step3')
batch.step(id: 'step4Id') {
batch.tasklet(ref: 'step4')
batch.step(id: 'logFinish') {
batch.tasklet(ref: 'printEndMessage')
I got it... it's supported... I had a mistake in this line:
batch.split(id: 'split1','task-executor':'taskExecutorParallel', next:'logFinish' ) {