I'm using visual studio 2012 and C++ and I'm tying to build a fully static executable of my program. It uses OpenCV 2.4.6 and I wish to be able to run it on a machine without any OpenCV (or even the standard c++ library) installed. I tried to follow every guide on the argument but i couldn't get around it, so here I am.
Thanks for any input!
dont have 2.4.6 but should be exactly the same
offvs2012->project properties->c/c++->code generation->runtime library->multi-threaded(/MT)
opencv_core245.lib opencv_contrib245.lib opencv_features2d245.lib opencv_objdetect245.lib opencv_nonfree245.lib opencv_highgui245.lib opencv_flann245.lib opencv_imgproc245.lib opencv_video245.lib opencv_legacy245.lib opencv_gpu245.lib opencv_ml245.lib IlmImf.lib libjasper.lib libpng.lib libtiff.lib libjpeg.lib zlib.lib Vfw32.Lib comctl32.lib