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Vim doesn't modify my colorschemes which i set on my .vimrc upon starting

The colorschemes i set on my .vimrc don't get loaded everytime i start VIM. Once i'm in VIM, typing :colo colorschemename the color scheme loads perfectly. Why does the colorscheme don't get loaded upon starting VIM.

I have enabled 256 colors in my xterm. and i have CSApprox Plugin

echo $TERM //report xterm-256terminal
tput colors//256

ON VIM: entering this command

set t_Co? //256

Another thing is loading the preinstalled colorschemes in VIM works perfectly. E.g (evening, desert,.etc)

It works perfectly before. The things that i did before it went wrong. Sorry i'm a newbie in Linux.

  1. I've changed .Xdefaults to .Xresources with the same contents

*customization: -color

XTerm*termName: xterm-256color

  1. I accidentally cleared xrdb by typing xrdb then pressing CTRL-D. Is that bad if i cleared xrdb? What i did after that is execute:

xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources

Btw, on Gvim the colorscheme loads correctly. I'm Using Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Here's what my .vimrc under $HOME/.vimrc

"           VUNDLE SETTINGS                    "

set nocompatible " be iMproved 
filetype off    " required!

set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()

" let Vundle manage Vundle
" required!
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
filetype plugin indent on " required!

"           PLUGINS                            "
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion'
Bundle 'tristen/vim-sparkup'
Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround'
Bundle 'godlygeek/csapprox'

"           COLOR SCHEMES                      "

"   Distinguised
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-distinguished'
"   Github  
Bundle 'endel/vim-github-colorscheme'
"   VividChalk  
Bundle 'tpope/vim-vividchalk'
"   Pyte    
Bundle 'therubymug/vim-pyte'
"   Vibrantink
Bundle 'vim-scripts/vibrantink'

"           MAP LEADER                         "
let mapleader = ","

"           SYNTAX                             "
syntax enable

"           VIM SCRIPTS                        "
if has('gui_running') 
    colorscheme github
    colorscheme pyte

"           CUSTOM SETTINGS                    "
"                                              "
set hidden

" Show what mode you're currently at
set showmode

" Enable enhanced command line completion
set wildmenu

" Don't redraw while executing macros
set lazyredraw

" Indentation settings (SOFT TABS)"
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set smarttab
set expandtab "enable this to use spaces instead of tabs

" show line number
set nu

" hightlight as you type
set incsearch
" ignore case when searching
set ignorecase

" set statusline
set laststatus=2

"       NOTE don't map <c-s> and <c-q>         "

"           KEYMAPS                            "

"*******NORMAL MODE MAPPING********"
"map for editing .vimrc
nnoremap <leader>ev :e $MYVIMRC<cr>
"map for sourcing vimrc
nnoremap <leader>sv :so $MYVIMRC<cr>
"map for switching windows
"_ in this keymap is to jump for a line with a nonblank char
nnoremap <space> <c-w><c-w>_

"*******INSERT MODE Mapping********"
"map for escape while in insert mode
inoremap <leader>; <esc>
"map for ins-completion
inoremap <leader>x <c-x>

"*********COMMAND MODE Mappings*******
"exit out of command line mode
cnoremap <leader>; <c-c>


It seems like the colorsheme is indeed loaded. Upon first loading, Typing :colorscheme reports the correct colorscheme which i set on my .vimrc. But it doesn't take effect the first time. I have to either type on VIM

:colo 'colorschemename'*

or source it again to activate the colorscheme using


But after exiting VIM, the colorscheme again doesn't take effect but it is loaded upon starting VIM.

I've executed this on the terminal:


NOTE: I've installed ncurses-term. Is it correct that the xterm is xterm+256color instead of xterm-256color

Btw. I've already edited my question.

Thanks in advance.


  • I found the solution. I think i have to answer my own question. I'm really on despair so i went on to removing the plugins one by one through BundleClean! in Vundle to check if there's any plugin misbehaving.

    It was not a problem with my .vimrc after all. It was a conflict with EasyMotion and CSApprox plugins.

    I had my EasyMotion configuration before CSApprox on Vundle I followed the instructions on this one.

    Here's another one that might help others with the same issues as mine.