Can anyone please tell me how many types of serial number are there for a smart card. I am working on a smart card with three chips (MiFare Desfire and iCLASS for contactless) and (Crescendo 1150 for contact). When it comes to the question of what is a serial number I get confusing answers. I have been told that there is a serial number for each chip (contact and contactless) depending on where the card is used, the reader will read respective serial number. Now question is:
1) There is no uniform serial number, each chip manufacturer uses its own scheme. This is the reason, that projects using cards from several suppliers specify, how to retrieve it on a uniform way. Situation is better on Desfire, where there is only one supplier.
2) All cards I encountered, had no number printed on it. I doubt, that there is a reliable relation from a number printed on the card and its serial number, since this requires some effort during production and can be easily delegated to the customer. I would assume its more something like an order number.