Given the R3-GUI code below, is there a way to access how much time is left in the timer? The timer ID is returned by set-timer
but I am not sure if there is anything I can do with it?
set-timer [print "done"] 60
In other words, what I am looking for in a fake code example:
>> get-timer/time-remaining timer-id
== 0:0:21
The answer can be found by looking at the source of set-timer
>> source set-timer
set-timer: make function! [[
{Calls a function after a specified amount of time. Returns timer ID reference.}
code [block!]
timeout [number! time!]
/repeat "Periodically repeat the function."
/local t id
t: now/precise
if number? timeout [timeout: to time! timeout]
sort/skip/compare append guie/timers compose/deep/only [(id: guie/timer-id: guie/timer-id + 1) [
timeout (t + timeout)
rate (all [
max 0:00 timeout
callback (function [] code)
]] 2 2
guie/timeout: true
If the timer is still going, it will be in the guie
>> guie/timers
== []
>> set-timer [print "done"] 2
== 5
>> guie/timers
== [5 [
timeout 11-Aug-2013/22:41:13.381-5:00
rate none
callback make function! [[
][print "done"]]
And getting the date value will look like this:
second select guie/timers timer-id
>>b: second select guie/timers 5
>>c: now/time - b/time
== 0:0:55
If the timer has finished, do-events clears it out. If events are not being run, then the timer will stay even after the time has run out.