I have a collection of stories in an XML format. I would like to parse the file and return each story as either hash or Ruby object, so that I can further manipulate the data within a Ruby script.
Does Nokogiri support this, or is there a better tool/library to use?
The XML document has the following structure, returned via Pivotal Tracker's web API:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<stories type="array" count="145" total="145">
<id type="integer">16376</id>
<estimate type="integer">2</estimate>
<description>A description</description>
<name>Receivable index listing will allow selection viewing</name>
<requested_by>Tony Superman</requested_by>
<owned_by>Tony Superman</owned_by>
<created_at type="datetime">2009/11/04 15:49:43 WST</created_at>
<accepted_at type="datetime">2009/11/10 11:06:16 WST</accepted_at>
<labels>index ui,receivables</labels>
<id type="integer">17427</id>
<estimate type="integer">3</estimate>
<name>Validations in wizards based on direction</name>
<requested_by>Matthew McBoggle</requested_by>
<created_at type="datetime">2009/11/17 15:52:06 WST</created_at>
<id type="integer">17426</id>
<estimate type="integer">2</estimate>
<description>Manual payment needs a description field.</description>
<name>Add description to manual payment</name>
<requested_by>Tony Superman</requested_by>
<created_at type="datetime">2009/11/17 15:10:41 WST</created_at>
<labels>payment process</labels>
<id type="integer">17636</id>
<estimate type="integer">3</estimate>
<description>The SMS and email templates needs to be editable by merchants.</description>
<name>Notifications are editable by the merchant</name>
<requested_by>Matthew McBoggle</requested_by>
<created_at type="datetime">2009/11/19 16:44:08 WST</created_at>
You can leverage the Hash extensions in ActiveSupport. Then you just need to parse your document in Nokogiri and then convert the nodeset result into a hash. This method will preserve attribute typing (eg integers, dates, arrays). (Of course if you're using Rails you don't have to require/include active support or nokogiri if you have it in your environment. I'm assuming a pure Ruby implementation here.)
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'activesupport'
include ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash
doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(File.read('yourdoc.xml'))
my_hash = doc.search('//story').map{ |e| Hash.from_xml(e.to_xml)['story'] }
This will produce an array of hashes (one for each story node), and preserve the typing based on the attributes, as demonstrated below:
=> "Receivable index listing will allow selection viewing"
=> 16376
=> Fixnum
=> Time