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Test BrainTree with rspec and capybara in Rails 4

I'm working on a Rails 4 app and i want to write some tests for BrainTree:

using rspec-rails (2.14.0) and capybara (2.1.0) in Rails 4.0.0

The problem is with on the route, in the form for Braintree i pass a :url

<%= form_for :customer, :url => Braintree::TransparentRedirect.url do |f| %>

Now when i run a feature test like this one:

  it 'should make new payment info' do


    visit new_customer_path

    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_number', :with => '4111111111111111'
    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_expiration_date', :with => '01/25'
    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_cvv', :with => '400'
    page.click_button 'Save Payment Info'

    page.should have_content('Payment Info Confirmation')
    page.should have_content('411111******1111')

i get a error on the route:

    Failure/Error: page.click_button 'Save Payment Info'
   No route matches [POST] "/merchants/fvn6vfc5ptyg2xrp/transparent_redirect_requests"

I've also tried this in a controller test (with render_views):

  it 'should make new payment info' do

    visit new_customer_path

    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_number', :with => '4111111111111111'
    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_expiration_date', :with => '01/25'
    page.fill_in 'customer_credit_card_cvv', :with => '400'
    page.click_button 'Save Payment Info'
   page.should have_content('Payment Info Confirmation')
   page.should have_content('411111******1111')

Same error on the route...

In development env in the browser it works fine, i looks like the :url option in my form gets ignored by capybara? I wonder if anybody can help me with this?

I've also found these examples apps for Braintree with Rails: when i run the tests on that project it works.. maybe my problem has to do with the version of Rails and rspec?

many thanks in advance!!


  • I actually cover this exact scenario in my Multitenancy with Rails book.

    The difference between your tests and Braintree's project's tests are that your tests are Capybara features and theirs' are controller specs.

    I mention this relevant part of Capybara's README within the book:

    RackTest is Capybara's default driver. It is written in pure Ruby and does not have any support for executing JavaScript. Since the RackTest driver interacts directly with Rack interfaces, it does not require a server to be started. However, this means that if your application is not a Rack application (Rails, Sinatra and most other Ruby frameworks are Rack applications) then you cannot use this driver. Furthermore, you cannot use the RackTest driver to test a remote application, or to access remote URLs (e.g., redirects to external sites, external APIs, or OAuth services) that your application might interact with.

    The way I get around it is that I wrote a gem called fake_braintree_redirect which inserts a piece of middleware into the request stack during the test environment to capture these requests and respond appropriately. The middleware is added to the stack using an initializer block defined within application.rb, like this:

    initializer 'middleware.fake_braintree_redirect' do
      if Rails.env.test?
        require 'fake_braintree_redirect'
        config.middleware.use FakeBraintreeRedirect

    This takes Braintree out of the equation completely and returns a successful response whenever you send data to it.

    Alternatively, if you really want to test against Braintree's sandbox, you could switch to the JavaScript driver by tagging your scenario as:

     scenario "foo", :js => true