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How to build and link LuaJIT statically (VS 2013)

Premise : I'd like my C++ application not to depend on whatever Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable, so I can ship my executable file that will work out of the box.

What I've done first : switching the runtime library to Multithread (/MT) from DLL Multithread (/MD) in order to avoid the need for msvcr110.dll (and shouldn't VS 2013 require the 120 version, as it's the compiler version ?). To do that I also had to recompile another library I'm using with the same runtime library, and that worked. I had my .exe which could be ran anywhere without problems (or I wasn't aware of, haha).

Then I added some functionalities that make use of LuaJIT. I've built LuaJIT by the msvcbuild.bat provided with the package and it worked like a charm, but now my executable requires the msvcr110.dll to run. I guess that's because LuaJIT was compiled with the /MD flag, but I'd like to know if there is a proper way to do what I want.


  • I didn't test this, but you most likely need to use the /MT flag on each piece of the compilation you do. In this case, both your main program, and LuaJIT. In that msvcbuild.bat file ( you can see that they are explicitly specifying /MD (line 17). Methinks that is your problem. Change it to /MT and see.