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How to hold HTTP connection from Dancer Route

I'm using Perl Dancer in a project and I want to implement SSEs

I have a Dancer route that i'm trying to keep alive

get '/stream' => sub{
    my $response = Dancer::SharedData->response;
    $response->content("data: cool test\n\n");
    $response->content_type( 'text/event-stream' );
    $response->header( 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' );
    $response->header( 'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive' );
    return undef;

It appears that returning anything from a dancer route closes the connection. Ideally i'd like to keep it open and store the$response to push more data to later.

Update: on further research it looks like this should be possible with PSGI which dancer uses: Looking into a middleware approach at this time.


  • The answer here was moving to a different webserver. I was using starman which dosen't hold http connections. Move to mojolicious or twiggy.