I'm using the settingslogic gem in my Rails app (Ruby 2.0.0p247 / Rails 3.2.13).
I can dynamically change a setting when it is not nested e.g.
mysetting: 1
myothersetting: 2
Settings[:mysetting] = 10
Settings.mysetting # puts 10
But I am unable to change a nested attribute in the same way:
Settings[:nested][:myothersetting] = 20
Settings.nested.myothersetting # puts 2
What am I doing wrong?
I'm not sure what version of ruby & rails you're using, but I tried using a similar setup as your yaml file and was presented with an error about bad parsing. I think that a key which has something nested underneath it cannot also have a value.
That said, I experienced similar behavior - the hash-based accessor for nested values set/returned the expected values while the method-based accessor returned the value from the file and did not get the updates:
# config/settings.yml
defaults: &defaults
thing1: 1
thing2: 2
thing3: 3
<<: *defaults
2.0.0p247 :001 > Settings[:nest][:thing3] = 30
=> 30
2.0.0p247 :002 > Settings[:nest][:thing3]
=> 30
2.0.0p247 :003 > Settings.nest.thing3
=> 3
It looks like this could be a bug in the gem, which based on the issue list on github seems to be one of many with nested attributes.