I came across a question where it was asked to find the number of unique ways of reaching from point 1 to point 2 in a 2D co-ordinate plain.
Note: This can be assumed without loss of generality that x1 < x2
and y1 < y2
Moreover the motions are constrained int he following manner. One can move only right or up. means a valid move is from (xa, ya)
to (xb, yb)
if xa < xb
and ya < yb
Mathematically, this can be found by ( [(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)]! ) / [(x2-x1)!] * [(y2-y1)!]
. I have thought of code too.
I have approaches where I coded with dynamic programming and my approach takes around O([max(x2,y2)]^2)
time and Theta( x2 * y2 )
where I can just manage with the upper or lower triangular matrix.
Can you think of some other approaches where running time is less than this? I am thinking of a recursive solution where the minimum running time is O(max(x2,y2))
I finally managed to write the article to describe this question in detail and complete the answer as well. Here is the link for the same. http://techieme.in/dynamic-programming-distinct-paths-between-two-points/