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Querying of a point is within a mesh maya python api

I'm trying to figure out a way of calculating if a world space point is inside of an arbitrary mesh.

I'm not quite sure of the math on how to calculate it if it's not a cube or sphere.

Any help would be great!


  • One can use a simple ray tracing trick to test if you are inside or outside of a shape. It turns out that 2D, 3D objects or possibly even higher dimension objects have a neat property. That is if you shoot an arbitrary ray in any direction you are inside the shape if, and only if you hit the boundaries of your shape and odd number of times. No need to know the normal direction or anything. Just know how many intersections you have. This is easy to visualize in 2D, and since 3D is just many 2D slices same applies to 3D too.

    enter image description here

    figure 1: Shooting a ray from a point in an arbitrary direction produces an odd number of hits if inside and an even if outside, So O1 is inside and O2 is not. As a special case glancing hits need to be tested for curves because they make 2 hits coincide in one place (O3).

    enter image description here

    figure 2: Meshed surfaces have a better boundary condition as only vertex hits are glancing However most tracing engines ignore glancing hits as totally perpendicular hits (O4) would be problematic so they behave right for purposes of this test. Maya tracer is no exception.

    Please note this method does not need the surface to be closed, it works none the less it just closes the gap in direction of the ray and open surfaces can report weird results. But can be acceptable in some cases.

    Admittedly ray tracing is pretty heavy operation without acceleration routines, however it becomes quite fast once acceleration is in place. Maya API provides a method for this. Note the accelerator is built first then each subsequent call is much cheaper. Here is a quickly written scaffold without acceleration see docs for MFnMesh for more info on how to accelerate:

    import maya.cmds as cmd
    import maya.OpenMaya as om 
    def test_if_inside_mesh(point=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), dir=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)):
        sel = om.MSelectionList()
        dag = om.MDagPath()
        #replace torus with arbitrary shape name
        mesh = om.MFnMesh(dag)
        point = om.MFloatPoint(*point)
        dir = om.MFloatVector(*dir)
        farray = om.MFloatPointArray()
                point, dir,
                None, None,
                False, om.MSpace.kWorld,
                10000, False,
                None, # replace none with a mesh look up accelerator if needed
                None, None,
                None, None,
        return farray.length()%2 == 1   
    print test_if_inside_mesh()
    print test_if_inside_mesh((1,0,0))

    In your specific case this may be overkill. I assume your doing some kind of rejection sampling. It is also possible to build the body out of prisms and randomize with barycentric like coordinates. This has the advantage of never wasting results. But the tracing code is much easier to generally use.