I have two files: file1 and file2 as follows:
file1 file2 orangejuice orangejuice_9.88_9.88 pineapplejuice appleslices_6.3_2.2 appleslices pineapplejuice_1.2_3.9 Mangojuice Mangojuice_5.55_5.55
The output should be:
orangejuice_988 pineapplejuice_120_390 appleslices_630_220 Mangojuice_555
While reading line by line from file1, search for the pattern found in the line of file1 in file2, once found compare the 2nd and 3rd fields of file2 , if they are the same print it once, if not print the two numbers.(The number should be multiplied by 100 anyways)
I thought of this:
while read -r -u 3 line1
nawk ' "$line1" print $0}' file2.txt
if "$2" == "$3"
then echo "scale=2;$2*100" |bc
else echo "$2_$3"
done 3<file1.txt
So, I want to know if the logic is correct and fix the multiplication that would give me 988 instead of 988.0.
One way with GNU awk
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next}($1 in a){print $1,$2==$3?$2*100:$2*100OFS$3*100}' FS=_ OFS=_ file1 file2