Okay so I'm using the below code to display the camera in my app and it works great! the problem is when i navigate away and come back to the app using the back stack the camera is not showing until i call the code manually.
how can i get it to show automatically ?
Thank Youuu in advance
Dim cam As New Microsoft.Devices.PhotoCamera()
Public Sub New()
SupportedOrientations = SupportedPageOrientation.Portrait
End Sub
Private Sub opening() Handles Me.Loaded
cam = New Microsoft.Devices.PhotoCamera()
viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform = New CompositeTransform() With {.CenterX = 0.5, .CenterY = 0.5, .Rotation = 90}
End Sub
Private Sub Closing() Handles Me.Unloaded
End Sub
Fixed my Own Problem, just used protected overide subs :)
Like So
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(e As NavigationEventArgs)
cam = New Microsoft.Devices.PhotoCamera()
viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform = New CompositeTransform() With {.CenterX = 0.5, .CenterY = 0.5, .Rotation = 90}
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedFrom(e As NavigationEventArgs)
If cam IsNot Nothing Then
cam = Nothing
End If
End Sub