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How to delete last item in list?

I have this program that calculates the time taken to answer a specific question, and quits out of the while loop when answer is incorrect, but i want to delete the last calculation, so i can call min() and it not be the wrong time, sorry if this is confusing.

from time import time

q = input('What do you want to type? ')
a = ' '
record = []
while a != '':
    start = time()
    a = input('Type: ')
    end = time()
    v = end-start
    if a == q:
        print('Time taken to type name: {:.2f}'.format(v))
for i in record:
    print('{:.2f} seconds.'.format(i))


  • If I understood the question correctly, you can use the slicing notation to keep everything except the last item:

    record = record[:-1]

    But a better way is to delete the item directly:

    del record[-1]

    Note 1: Note that using record = record[:-1] does not really remove the last element, but assign the sublist to record. This makes a difference if you run it inside a function and record is a parameter. With record = record[:-1] the original list (outside the function) is unchanged, with del record[-1] or record.pop() the list is changed. (as stated by @pltrdy in the comments)

    Note 2: The code could use some Python idioms. I highly recommend reading this:
    Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python (via wayback machine archive).