I get the following error in diff with a red squiggle under Subset.
Type mismatch. Expecting a Range -> Choice but given a Range * Range -> Choice
Is there some sort of type annotation I can add to the SubSet match so I don't have to use fst and snd? If not is there any intention to support this syntax?
type Range = {min : int64; max : int64}
let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|SuperSet|SubSet|) (x, y) =
if x.min > y.max then After
elif x.min >= y.min then
if x.max <= y.max then SubSet
else AfterOverlap
elif x.max < y.min then Before
elif x.max <= y.max then BeforeOverlap
else SuperSet
let useOldx x xe ye = ()
let diff (xe:IEnumerator<Range>) (ye:IEnumerator<Range>) =
match xe.Current, ye.Current with
| After as tuple -> ()
| Before as t -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx (fst t) xe ye
| SuperSet as t ->
let x, y = t
if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
| SubSet as x, y -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
| _ -> ()
You could do this:
| (x,y) & SubSet -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
or you could do this:
open System.Collections.Generic
type Range = {min : int64; max : int64}
let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|SuperSet|SubSet|) (x, y) =
if x.min > y.max then After
elif x.min >= y.min then
if x.max <= y.max then SubSet(x,y)
else AfterOverlap
elif x.max < y.min then Before
elif x.max <= y.max then BeforeOverlap
else SuperSet
let useOldx x xe ye = ()
let diff (xe:IEnumerator<Range>) (ye:IEnumerator<Range>) =
match xe.Current, ye.Current with
| After as tuple -> ()
| Before as t -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx (fst t) xe ye
| SuperSet as t ->
let x, y = t
if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
| SubSet(x, y) -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
| _ -> ()