Is there a way to "lift" a class instance in Haskell easily?
I've been frequently needing to create, e.g., Num instances for some classes that are just "lifting" the Num structure through the type constructor like this:
data SomeType a = SomeCons a
instance (Num a)=>Num SomeCons a where
(SomeCons x) + (SomeCons y) = SomeCons (x+y)
negate (SomeCons x) = SomeCons (negate x)
-- similarly for other functions.
Is there a way to avoid this boilerplate and "lift" this Num structure automatically? I usually have to do this with Show and other classes also when I was trying to learn existencials and the compiler wouldn't let me use deriving(Show)
The generalized newtype deriving extension is what you want here:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main where
newtype SomeType a = SomeCons a deriving (Num, Show, Eq)
main = do
let a = SomeCons 2
b = SomeCons 3
print $ a + b
*Main> main
SomeCons 5