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Attach UISwipeGestureRecognizer to Multiple Views

I have a View Controller with a normal View. In that view, I have 4 sub views. I need each one to react to a UISwipeGestureRecognizer. I hooked the views to the UISwipeGestureRecognizer in Interface Builder and hooked the UISwipeGestureRecognizer to an IBAction. It all works great; they all react to the UISwipeGestureRecognizer.

But, I need the action to do something different, depending on what view called the IBAction. What should I do? Here's the IBAction code:

- (IBAction)swipe:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)sender
    switch (view)
        case view1:
            //do something

        case view2:
            //do something

        case view3:
            //do something

        //do something

How should I handle this?


  • - (IBAction)swipe:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)sender
        if (sender.view == view1) {
            //do something
        if (sender.view == view2) {
            //do something
        if (sender.view == view3) {
            //do something

    Don't complicate what is simple. Besides, using tags will force you to define the same tags in another nib if you want to reuse the same controller with another nib, that is bad design.