I found this article on CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/512956/NET-Shell-Extensions-Shell-Context-Menus
and thought it would be nice to give it a try, but in F#. So I came up with the following code:
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open System.Windows.Forms
open SharpShell
open SharpShell.Attributes
open SharpShell.SharpContextMenu
[<COMServerAssociation(AssociationType.ClassOfExtension, ".txt")>]
type CountLinesExtension() =
inherit SharpContextMenu.SharpContextMenu()
let countLines =
let builder = new StringBuilder()
base.SelectedItemPaths |> Seq.iter (fun x -> builder.AppendLine(sprintf "%s - %d Lines" (Path.GetFileName(x)) (File.ReadAllLines(x).Length)) |> ignore )
MessageBox.Show(builder.ToString()) |> ignore
let createMenu =
let menu = new ContextMenuStrip()
let itemCountLines = new ToolStripMenuItem(Text = "Count Lines")
itemCountLines.Click.Add (fun _ -> countLines)
menu.Items.Add(itemCountLines) |> ignore
override this.CanShowMenu() = true
override this.CreateMenu() = createMenu
However, I noticed that there is no support for signing an F# assembly in VS2012 (step 4. in the article). I learnt that if I want to do so, I need to create a key manually (typing "sn -k keyName.snk" into the command prompt) and then add a flag in "Project Properties -> Build -> Other Flags" (--keyfile:keyName.snk).
I still didn't manage to successfully run this. Moreover, using the author's application (in "Debugging the Shell Extension" section) I get an error that my assembly doesn't contain a COM server.
I believe I'm doing something wrong with the signing the component. Could you help me in running this ?
One way to sign an F# assembly is via the AssemblyFileKeyAttribute
Create a new module and in it put:
module AssemblyProperties
open System
open System.Reflection;
open System.Runtime.InteropServices;
Where "MyKey.snk"
is the path to your key relative to the project directory.
Another way, as found in this bug report on Microsoft Connect, is to add --keyfile:MyKey.snk
to the Other Flags
field in the Properties --> Build
Using either approach; running sn -v myfsharpassembly.dll
will assert that the assembly is valid after compilation.