Edit: Now it's working, was an bug in LimeSurvey.
I created simple login plugin for LimeSurvey 2.05beta5 just to test, if it is working.
Problem is, that event newUserSession is never called. Documentation is also really bad, because is still in beta...
Here is the plugin code:
class TestLogin extends AuthPluginBase
protected $storage = 'DbStorage';
static protected $description = 'Testing login system...';
static protected $name = 'TestLogin';
public function __construct(PluginManager $manager, $id) {
parent::__construct($manager, $id);
public function beforeLogin()
if (isset($_GET["testlogin"]) && ($_GET["testlogin"] == 1)) {
public function newUserSession()
$sUser = $this->getUserName();
$oUser = $this->api->getUserByName($sUser);
if (!is_null($oUser))
} else {
To call this code, just go to this url: admin/authentication/sa/login?testlogin=1
I'm missing something?
now working
Here is working solution: https://github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey/commit/9df25ebcdb44d32295f64e5996d13fddf12e4bb6