I need to run my installer as admin and not system as it needs to connect to a SQL server database using windows authentication. based on my research, i need to set MSIUSEREALADMINDETECTION property to "1"
I figure that these Installer properties have a hex representation as shown in the blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2007/05/28/2958062.aspx
var msidbCustomActionTypeInScript = 0x00000400;
var msidbCustomActionTypeNoImpersonate = 0x00000800
The script to set the value is available here, but it does not give you hex representation of MSIUSEREALADMINDETECTION. Does anyone know the Hex representation of MSIUSEREALADMINDETECTION? Or has a better solution then editing the installer post build?
You can find the definitions of these kind of identifiers on your machine in the Windows SDK directory. You didn't mention a VS version, start looking in c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\x.x\include. If you have VS2012+ then start looking from Windows Kits. The MsiDefs.h file is of your interest. It contains:
// properties related to UAC
// execution scheduling flags // default is execute whenever sequenced
msidbCustomActionTypeFirstSequence = 0x00000100, // skip if UI sequence already run
msidbCustomActionTypeOncePerProcess = 0x00000200, // skip if UI sequence already run in same process
msidbCustomActionTypeClientRepeat = 0x00000300, // run on client only if UI already run on client
msidbCustomActionTypeInScript = 0x00000400, // queue for execution within script
msidbCustomActionTypeRollback = 0x00000100, // in conjunction with InScript: queue in Rollback script
msidbCustomActionTypeCommit = 0x00000200, // in conjunction with InScript: run Commit ops from script on success
// security context flag, default to impersonate as user, valid only if InScript
msidbCustomActionTypeNoImpersonate = 0x00000800, // no impersonation, run in system context
You can tell from this that MSIUSEREALADMINDETECTION is not represented by a number, it is the name of a property. You set property values with MsiSetProperty(). More about properties in this MSDN section