I have some custom application specific settings, I want to put in a configuration file. Where would I put these? I considered /config/autoload/global.php and/or local.php. But I'm not sure which key(s) I should use in the config array to be sure not to override any system settings.
I was thinking of something like this (e.g. in global.php):
return array(
'settings' => array(
'settingA' => 'foo',
'settingB' => 'bar',
Is that an agreeable way? If so, how can I access the settings e.g. from within a controller?
Tips are highly appreciated.
In case you need to create custom config file for specific module, you can create additional config file in module/CustomModule/config folder, something like this:
This is content of your module.customconfig.php file:
return array(
'settings' => array(
'settingA' => 'foo',
'settingB' => 'bar',
Then you need to change getConfig() method in CustomModule/module.php file:
public function getConfig() {
$config = array();
$configFiles = array(
include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php',
include __DIR__ . '/config/module.customconfig.php',
foreach ($configFiles as $file) {
$config = \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils::merge($config, $file);
return $config;
Then you can use custom settings in controller:
$config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config');
$settings = $config["settings"];
it is work for me and hope it help you.