I'm setting up a directory structure for my Django app to separate functional and unit tests. I am using nose as the test runner for my Django project.
At the root of the Django project, I have a folder called "tests" that has this structure:
├── __init__.py
├── functional
│ ├── __init__.py
└── unit
├── __init__.py
├── data.py
├── tests.py
If I want to run just the unit tests, should I not be able to use the following from the project root:
$ nosetests tests.unit
Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
As you can see, this doesn't find the tests in the tests.py file.
However, when I run using the directory structure, the tests are found as they should be:
$ nosetests tests/unit/
# .. Some errors I expected because settings are not initialized when called this way
Ran 1 test in 0.001s
FAILED (errors=1)
What am I missing? My main issue is that I have a setup
function in tests.unit.__init__.py
that should be called for creating the data in the test DB for the upcoming tests.
This all depends on what kind of code is in tests/unit/__init__.py
When you say
nosetests tests.unit
You are pointing to unit/__init__.py
not the directory unit/
thus if you had no tests in your __init__.py
module then nothing would be run. So it is understandable when you say you used the directory path and then your tests started working.
You mention
What am I missing? My main issue is that I have a setup function in tests.unit.init.py that should be called for creating the data in the test DB for the upcoming tests.
It is likely that although you have a setup function in __init__.py
you may have not ever imported your test functions into __init__.py
One quick fix to this would be to add this line in __init__.py
from tests.unit.tests import *
That said it is really not very wise to be putting any code in __init__.py
at all and if you have code that returns some kind of configuration data I would recommend creating a new library module with functions that will return configuration data to your tests