I have a requirement of designing Data Model in cassandra for User, Role, Organization and permissions.
So, based on the above design requirement, following will be my queries:
Can anybody please help me in designing the data model for the above requirement.
Cassandra does not have foreign key relationships like a relational database does (see here and here), which means you cannot join multiple column families to satisfy a given query request.
Here are the two possible solutions:
Solution 1: denormalize organizatios and users.
Simply create a Users
table (i.e., a denormalized table) similar to the following:
create table Users (
... organization ascii,
... uid int primary key,
... role set<ascii>,
... permission set<ascii>);
and create an index for organization to allow querying on non-key column:
create index demo_users_organization on users (organization);
This can satisfy the first two of your requirements:
Query 1 --- For an organization, get all users / roles:
cqlsh:demo> select * from users where organization='stack overflow';
uid | organization | permission | role
1 | stack overflow | {down-vote, up-vote} | {end user}
2 | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, up-vote} | {end user, moderator}
3 | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, reboot, up-vote} | {end user, moderator, root}
Query 2 --- For a user get all roles
cqlsh:demo> select role from users where uid = 2;
{end user, moderator}
However, since index on collections are not yet supported, this denormalized table cannot handle your third requirement:
cqlsh:demo> create index demo_users_role on users (role);
Bad Request: Indexes on collections are no yet supported
Solution 2: denormalize organizations, users, and roles.
One work-around for Solution 1 is to further denormalize the user and role where each (user, role) pair has a row in the table:
cqlsh:demo> create table RoleUsers (
... uid int,
... organization ascii,
... role ascii,
... permission set<ascii>,
... primary key(uid, role));
and again, create an index for organization
Here are the example rows:
uid | role | organization | permission
1 | end user | stack overflow | {down-vote, up-vote}
2 | end user | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, up-vote}
2 | moderator | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, up-vote}
3 | end user | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, reboot, up-vote}
3 | moderator | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, reboot, up-vote}
3 | root | stack overflow | {close-vote, down-vote, reboot, up-vote}
Now, you are able to perform the third query.
Query 3 --- For a Role get all Users / Permissions:
cqlsh:demo> select uid from roleusers where role='moderator' allow filtering;
uid | permission
2 | {close-vote, down-vote, up-vote}
3 | {close-vote, down-vote, reboot, up-vote}