Is it possible to customize SimpleMembershipProvider in the sense of requiring more than just a user name and password for login?
For example, suppose I want 4 pieces of information:
Login, Password, Abc, Xyz
(Abc and Xyz are just generic placeholders, for now)
Suppose your login is:
john/mypassword555/1/1 (authenticated) -> pagex
john/mypassword999/1/2 (authenticated) -> pagey
bob/mypassword333/1/1 (authenticated) -> pagex
bob/mypassword333/1/2 (authenticated) ->pagey
bob/mypassword333/1/3 (authenticated) -> pagez
Having just john/mypassword or bob/mypassword333 would be insufficient.
I want to be able to have either the same password for all logins or different passwords, but still require all 4 fields before Request.IsAuthenticated is true.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but:
If you need data A, B, and C plus a password to log in, you could store A, B, and C into an object structure, serialize that object to a string, and pass that string to your custom membership provider as "login" along with the password, which would then deserialize the object back to its parts. At that point you can do whatever you want in your custom provider.