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Valence API Grade Export

I've been testing the grade export functionality using Valence and I have noticed while benchmarking that the process is very slow (about 1.5/2 seconds per user).

Here is the api call I am using:

/d2l/api/le/(D2LVERSION: version)/(D2LID: orgUnitId)/grades/(D2LID: gradeObjectId)/values/(D2LID: userId)  

What I am looking to do is export a large number of grades upwards of 10k. Is this possible using this API?


  • An alternative to consider is to get all the grades for a particular user with GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/values/(userId)/. (In your question, it looks like with the call you're using, you're getting the grade values one at a time for each user.)

    In future, we plan to support paging of results, in order to better support the case of large class sizes + high number of grade items. We also plan to offer a call which retrieves a user's grades set across all courses.