In Java for Android, I want to create a variable that increases by 1 every second, in other words, it counts, that way I can check to see if a function has been called in the past 3 seconds, and if not, I want it to do something different than if it had been.
Is there any built-in way to do this? I'm familiar with the Timer class, but it doesn't seem to work the way I would want it to.. is there anything else?
tl;dr: I want to create a variable that increases by 1 every second, so I can use it to treat a function differently based on how long it has been since its last call. Is there an easy way to do this? If not, what is the hard way to do this?
Why not store the last time the method was called instead, then check it against the current time?
private long timeLastCalled;
public void someMethod() {
timeLastCalled = SystemClock.elapsedRealTime();
public boolean someMethodCalledRecently() {
return (SystemClock.elapsedRealTime() - timeLastCalled) > 3000;